Stupid lahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!tmw got PE...hah, u noe i dun really like PE, except the games... XDDok.......sounds like im not a really good sport huh.Ya.ok then tmw got science CT, and i nvr study, sure die!!!Must cramp everything tonight!!!MUST!!!!!!!!!......who was i tokin to anyways.......?...zzzzzbut feel sleepy leh, duno y these few days very tired.Maybe cuz of sch?CCA?hmwk?duno.anyhow, cosplay event {cosfest} is comin real soon{June/July}~!Im really lookin forward to fakin Maru~ hahahaaarrrr.sry XXXHolic fans.culdnt help it.Labels: |8D Muahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa.............0.0lll